Hi, my name is Minerva, and I am a great couch looking for a new home! My mom found me on Craigslist a couple of years ago, and since then I’ve made lots of friends with my high seating capacity (I sometimes hang out with 4 or even 5 people at a time!) and general awesomeness. I’m a full-grown couch at nearly 8 feet, so I’m looking for a home that can provide me with lots of space and love. In return I promise to always be there for you when you have parties, do homework, or have friends that need a place to crash. I really am a wonderful couch – I know my mom would keep me if she could, but she just doesn’t have room for me next year. She’s spent $160 on me, so she’d like to get around $100 back to compensate for my loss, but if you can promise to give me a good home she would probably be willing to negotiate.
My photo album:
Here’s me wandering lost through the world before my mom found me. I am all alone out in the grass:
Here’s my mom’s room before I came into her life. Look how empty and sad it is!:
And here’s how happy we are together!:
Please contact
swansong1463@gmail.com if interested or with any questions! Or feel free to leave a comment if you are so inclined/able. :-)